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Razor clams (Sinonovacula constricta) ke li-bivalves tsa bohlokoa tikolohong le khoebong naheng ea China.Leha ho le joalo, khatello ea tikoloho joalo ka bongata bo bongata ba ammonia e ka sitisa kholo ea bona le ho phela, e leng se lebisang litlamorao tse tebileng ho baahi ba hlaha le ba mapolasi.Chefo ea ammonia e ka baka liphetoho tsa 'mele le litlamorao tse bolaeang ho razor clams.

Ho utloisisa hamolemo liphatsa tsa lefutso tsa ho mamellana ha ammonia ho razor clams, bafuputsi ba ile ba etsa tlhahlobo e felletseng ea genome resequencing (WGS) le genome-wide association study (GWAS) ba sebelisa lisampole tsa DNA tse bokelletsoeng ho tsoa ho 142 razo clams e pepesehileng maemong a fapaneng a ammonia.
Liphuputso li sa tsoa hatisoa koranteng ea Aquacluture tlas'a sehlooho se reng "Insight in the genetic basis of ammonia tolerance in razor clam Sinonovacula constricta by genome-wide association study".Patlisiso ena e tlatsetsa kutloisisong ea motheo oa liphatsa tsa lefutso oa mamello ea khatello ea kelello linthong tse phelang metsing.

BMKGENE e hlomphuoa ka ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa WGS le GWAS bakeng sa lipatlisiso tsena, 'me re ikemiselitse ho thusa bafuputsi ba bangata ho akofisa lithuto tsa bona nakong e tlang.

Tobetsa mona ho ithuta haholoanyane ka sengoloa sena

Nako ea poso: Jul-18-2023

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