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Ketsahalo ea Marang-rang


Seo u hlokang ho se etsa ho qala tatellano ea transcriptome?

Sepheo sa webinar ke ho fa barupeluoa tsebo ea bohlokoa le tataiso e sebetsang mabapi le lintlha tsa motheo tsa tatellano ea transcriptome.Ho hlomella bafuputsi, haholo-holo ba bacha tšimong, ka kutloisiso e hlokahalang ea melao-motheo, mekhoa, le maikutlo a amehang tatellanong ea transcriptome.E tla bua ka lihlooho tse kang ho lokisetsa mehlala, kaho ea laeborari, li-platform tsa tatellano, tlhahlobo ea data, le tlhaloso ea data ea transcriptomic.Qetellong ea semina ea marang-rang, barupeluoa ba tla be ba fumane lintlha tsa bohlokoa mehatong ea bohlokoa le mekhoa e metle ea ho qala liteko tsa tatellano ea transcriptome, ho ba fa matla a ho qala merero ea bona ea lipatlisiso ka kholiseho.
Webinar ena ea pele, u tla be u ithuta ka:

1.Basics le melao-motheo ea thekenoloji ea ho latellana ha transcriptome (NGS le TGS)
2.Seo o hlokang ho se tseba pele ho Teko ea Tatelano ea mRNA
3. Sets'oants'o sa mRNAseq, sele e le 'ngoe, RNAseq e le 'ngoe le li-transcriptomics tsa sebaka
4.NGS le TGS-based eukaryotic mRNA sequencing workflow
Tlhaloso ea Lintlha tsa 5.Transcriptome: Seo u ka se lebellang ho data

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