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The study published in Pharmacological Research titled “Targeting hnRNPC suppresses thyroid follicular epithelial cell apoptosis and necroptosis through m6A-modified ATF4 in autoimmune thyroid disease” utilized various sequencing techniques such as single-cell transcriptome, whole transcriptome, full-length transcriptome (Oxford nanopore technology), and metabolome to examine thyroid lesion tissues from two HT patients, two GD patients, and healthy thyroid tissue from one control subject.

The study sheds light on the mechanisms through which microenvironmental cells in HT and GD patients trigger and amplify the autoimmune response in the thyroid. Additionally, the study identifies new therapeutic targets for the treatment of autoimmune thyroid disease, with the hope of providing a potential way for targeted therapy.

It is worth noting that BMKGENE provided single-cell transcriptome, whole transcriptome, full-length transcriptome, and metabolome sequencing services for this study.

Click here to learn more about this article

Post time: Feb-19-2024

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