

De novo Bacterial Genome Assembly




We provide a complete bacterial genome assembly service, guaranteeing 0 gaps. This is possible by integrating long-read sequencing technologies, such as Nanopore and PacBio for assembly and short-read sequencing with Illumina for assembly validation and error correction of ONT reads. Our service provides the complete bioinformatic workflow from assembly, functional annotation, and advanced bioinformatic analysis, fulfilling specific research goals. This service enables the development of precise reference genomes for various genetic and genomic studies. Additionally, it forms the basis for applications such as strain optimization, genetic engineering, and microbial technology development, ensuring reliable and gap-free genomic data crucial for advancing scientific insights and biotechnological innovation.

Service Details


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Service Features

●  With two possible options to choose from depending on the desired degree of genome completeness.

●  Draft Genome Option: Short-read sequencing with Illumina NovaSeq PE150.

●  Complete 0 gap genome.

●  Long-read sequencing on Nanopore PromethION 48 or PacBio Revio for genome assembly.

●  Short-read sequencing on Illumina NovaSeq for genome validation and error correction (Nanopore) or to generate a draft genome.

Service Advantages

●  Zero-Gap Genome Guaranteed: This is due to the integration of Illumina sequencing with long read sequencing (Nanopore or PacBio).

● Complete Bioinformatics Workflow: This includes genome assembly and prediction of multiple genomic elements, functional gene annotation, and genome visualisations such as Circos plot.

● Extensive Expertise: With over 20,000 microbial genomes assembled, BMKGENE brings over a decade of experience, a highly skilled analysis team, comprehensive content, and excellent post-sales support.

● Post-Sales Support: Our commitment extends beyond project completion with a 3-month after-sale service period. During this time, we offer project follow-up, troubleshooting assistance, and Q&A sessions to address any queries related to the results.

● Multiple Sequencing Strategies Available: For different research goals and requirements of genome completeness.


Service Specifications


Sequencing Strategy

Draft Genome

Illumina PE150 100x

0 Gap Genome

Nanopore 100x + Illumina PE150 100x


Pacbio HiFi 30x + Illumina PE150 100x (optional)

Sample Requirements:


Concentration (ng/µL)

Total amount (µg)

Volume (µL)





















· Bacteria: ≥3.5x1010 cells

Service Work Flow

sample delivery

Sample delivery

Library Preparation

Library construction



Data analysis

Data analysis

After sale Services

After-sale services

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  • 23.11.7-01

    Includes the Following Analysis:

          ● Sequencing Data Quality Control

          ● Genome Assembly

          ● Genome Component Analysis: Prediction of CDS and multiple genomic elements

          ● Functional annotation with multiple general databases (GO, KEGG, etc) and advanced databases (CARD, VFDB, etc)

          ● Genome Visualization

    We provide the genome in a readily accessible fasta format and the genome annotation file (gff).

    Gene annotation – GO

    图片50Gene annotation – CAZY carbohydrates



    Genome visualization – Circos plot




    Explore the advancements facilitated by BMKGene’s bacterial genome assembly services through a curated collection of publications.


    Dai, W. et al. (2023) ‘Discovery of Bacteroides uniformis F18-22 as a Safe and Novel Probiotic Bacterium for the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis from the Healthy Human Colon’, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(19), p. 14669. doi: 10.3390/IJMS241914669/S1.

    Kang, Q. et al. (2021) ‘Multidrug-resistant Proteus mirabilis isolates carrying blaOXA-1 and blaNDM-1 from wildlife in China: increasing public health risk’, Integrative Zoology, 16(6), pp. 798–809. doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12510.

    Wang, T. T. et al. (2017) ‘Complete genome sequence of endophyte Bacillus flexus KLBMP 4941 reveals its plant growth promotion mechanism and genetic basis for salt tolerance’, Journal of Biotechnology, 260, pp. 38–41. doi: 10.1016/J.JBIOTEC.2017.09.001.

    Wang, X. et al. (2021) ‘Multiple-Replicon Resistance Plasmids of Klebsiella Mediate Extensive Dissemination of Antimicrobial Genes’, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, p. 754931. doi: 10.3389/FMICB.2021.754931/BIBTEX.

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