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Another successful case of BMKGENE has been published online! On December 9, 2023, the article titled  “Mapping and functional dissection of the rumpless trait in Piao chicken identifies a causal loss of function mutation in the novel gene Rum” was published in  Molecular Biology and Evolution. Professor Hu Xiaoxiang from China Agricultural University and Professor Örjan Carlborg from Uppsala University in Sweden are the co-corresponding authors of this paper.

This study established backcrossing lineages using Piao chickens and Silkie chickens to explore the genetic mechanism and molecular basis of the rumpless trait in Piao chickens. Through comprehensive screening and analysis of mutation sites (GWAS and Linkage Map), a 4.2 kb deletion was identified to be completely associated with the rumpless phenotype in Piao chickens. A novel gene Rum (longer than 22 kb and without introns) was further anchored after an in-depth exploration of gene expression in the causal region. This research represents another breakthrough  in the field of avian genetics and evolution research.

BMKGENE has rich experience in  plant/animal  population genetics study and owns thousands of success cases.

Click here to learn more about this study.

Post time: Dec-20-2023

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